Conservative Conversations with ISI

Exploring the Minds of the Founding Fathers | Michael Barone

Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Join us on a captivating journey through the minds of the Founding Fathers—men of intellect, integrity, and ambition who shaped the early American republic.

In "Mental Maps of the Founders," Michael Barone explores the geographic orientation of six key figures, unraveling the stories of Virginians with different compass points in mind, a refugee from Puritan Boston forging a new path in Philadelphia, and individuals from diverse commercial hubs. From the sugar-and-slave island of St. Croix to the stern Swiss city-state of Geneva, their disparate origins shaped the foundation and management of a financial system vital for the young republic's commerce.

Inspired by the richness of Founding Fathers literature, Barone, a map enthusiast and co-author of The Almanac of American Politics, presents reflective essays that unveil how the mental maps of these visionaries helped define the contours and character of a fledgling nation navigating unknown geographical features and political boundaries.

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