Conservative Conversations with ISI

The Legacy of President McKinley with Robert Merry

Intercollegiate Studies Institute

What can we learn from President William McKinley’s leadership, and how does his legacy compare to the modern political landscape? In this fascinating conversation, historian and journalist Robert W. Merry joins ISI to discuss his latest book, President McKinley: Architect of the American Century.

McKinley, often overshadowed by his more flamboyant successors, was a transformational figure who reshaped America’s global role and set the stage for the 20th century. Merry breaks down McKinley’s underrated statesmanship, his approach to economic and foreign policy, and his impact on American conservatism.

The discussion takes an intriguing turn as McKinley’s leadership is compared to Donald Trump—examining their similarities in political realignment, media battles, and their roles as champions of the "forgotten American."